You are Handica-dé, after your long years to work for the army you loose your legs in a battle and get back home. Unfortunately, your pension is too low and you decide to crawl the dungeon to get your money.
How to Play
Gameplay Video to understand the game
You have to crawl through the dungeon. You have three actions different displayed on the right.
- Healing (the health bottle), triggered by clicking.
- Parry (the shield), triggered by clicking.
- Attack (the sword), triggered by drag n dropping it on an ennemy.
When the action is triggered you will get the bet popup. That's the core of the game. Your action will work and be more effective depending on the success and the risk of this bet. It will als impact your score.
You have to choose if you wanna bet Inferior, Superior or Equal. Then click on the face you want.
When you have choosen all the action you want - watch out, you are limited by the action points on the right of your face - just click on en turn, on the bottom right.
Good luck and we hope you will like it.
Known bugs
- Enemy stats on the bottom are not updated between room.
- Restarting is not working right no, it is reloading the level but the game is frozen.
We know the bugs and we are very sorry for this, we hope you will still like the experience and we may fix that in future updates !
Team Members
- Agathe Nail - Development of Main mechanics
- Jean-Baptiste Leonelli - 3D Art
- Erik Kubiak - Development of Room Mechanics, UX and UI programming
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